I’ve loved art since I was a child. Helping people explore the world of art, then working with them to confidently build their own collections, is something I took to naturally and enjoy immensely. I can’t imagine doing anything else.
I grew up surrounded by art and creativity; my mother was a sculptor, and she encouraged me to find the beauty in everything. Later, art history was a favorite part of my studies at UC Berkeley and the Sorbonne. Collecting art has been a journey of discovery, starting when I worked in hedge funds. I frequently attended gallery openings and museum events, and then added art fairs and lectures to my calendar. As time went by, I found myself spending evenings and weekends at galleries, looking at and learning about art. I met countless artists and gallery owners, collectors and dealers, and as I learned about the business side of art I found that I liked it as well — and had a knack for it. I began traveling with art groups and serving on art-related boards and committees. More and more, my socializing, my spare time and my thinking were focused on art. Soon, I was working in a gallery that dealt in both the primary and secondary markets. And as my love of fine art grew, so did my expertise in assessing value, discerning trends and understanding the fine points of building a great collection.
Eventually, I left the gallery to found Elements in Play, work that places me exactly where I want to be, every day: in the world of art. As an art advisor, I assist both connoisseurs and novices build special, highly personal collections by helping them cultivate their tastes, explore the art market strategically and make educated decisions as they find works they love.
I have a lot in common with my clients. Having practiced law and spent years raising money for hedge funds, I’m comfortable working with high-net-worth buyers and sellers. The discretion and high standards they expect are my own. And I share the satisfaction and pleasure my clients feel when they find art that moves them, watching their growing collections reflect not only an investment, but a representation of themselves. Please contact me if you’d like to learn more.

Photo: Jenna Duffy