When are Art Fairs the Right Place to Buy Art?


These days, it seems that every week there’s an art fair going on somewhere – and sometimes more. And it’s become a reality: there are more than 300 art fairs annually worldwide. For galleries, participating in art fairs is an integral part of business, and last week I discussed this fact with numerous gallerists at a fair in Los Angeles. They said they are now doing 40% to 70% of their annual sales at fairs.  As that number increases, some galleries question the value of having a physical gallery space.

But are fairs the right place to buy art? After attending almost 30 fairs last year, I will share my thoughts and recommendations. Fairs are a great way to see a lot of art at once – there are seemingly endless choices and opportunities. My new clients love going to fairs as part of their education process, and it helps us both get a better sense of what they respond to. Also, my clients regularly buy great works at fairs. For the same reasons, however, it’s a difficult place to buy art because you are overwhelmed by countless artworks, making it very hard to focus. In addition, the works on display tend to be uneven. Some galleries save up great pieces to showcase at fairs, but the proliferation of fairs puts pressure on galleries to do more and more each year. This, in turn, puts pressure on their artists to produce more art, and sub-par works commonly make their way to art fair booths. In short, if you are experienced and well-prepared, buying art at fairs can be very rewarding.

If you intend to buy, it’s also important to plan ahead. Galleries send out previews to their top advisors and clients of what they are bringing to fairs, and they are happy to sell before the doors open. As a result, the best works are frequently sold or put on hold before they are even installed in the booths. So if you know there’s something you want, talk to the gallery beforehand.  Another note: I caution against impulse buys. People get caught up in the excitement and often regret their decisions later.

For those of you who are or plan to be in New York City, March and May are the busiest months for fairs, many of them taking place simultaneously.  I’d be happy to recommend my favorites, or to consult in a broader way, including giving tours of fairs.  And if you don’t live in New York or plan to travel, I can let you know what international and other US fairs are on my calendar.

Upcoming New York City Fairs:

The Armory Show
The Art Show
art on paper

Frieze New York
Art Miami New York


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